Motivational Monday…working from home

Mondays have never been easy for me.  This might come as a surprise, but that’s actually why I started Motivational Monday last year.  As a teacher, I was always planning.  I was very detail oriented and organized.  Tasks were done well before they were needed to be turned in because I kept meticulous notes on what was due when.  I loved brainstorming with my friend across the hall because once we got the ball rolling, it was fun.  I loved the children and seeing them light up with learning made me feel very much part of their lives even if it was only for a year.

The work from home me is only slightly different.  I still give myself lists and tasks.  I do not use my extreme fatigue as any sort of crutch for myself even though there are days I want to.  I get up, and yes, my wardrobe is not fancy now.  I do not worry about if my clothes match (the wiener dogs don’t really care).  My daughter doesn’t seem to mind, but that’s only because I drop her off at school and don’t have to get out of the mini-van.  That’s right.  The mini-van.  Anyway, she loves me the way that I am and has never said maybe I should run a brush through my hair.  I might say that to her, but that’s probably why she got a pixie cut.  She does not like to be bothered with things such as “hair”.  She has important fifth grade things to attend to.

I work slower now.  I know that.  I take breaks.  And I get distracted easily so I have to really focus on what I am doing.  The customers of my business Vitalize You come first when they message me.  So I will stop my writing, quote photos, and other tasks to attend to them.  I get back on track with my projects as quickly as I can.  I like deadlines…because I only hold myself accountable now.  I have no “boss” which is refreshing.  “Hey me, let me run this by us.”   Okay, what have we got to do today?  Research.  Write.  Help others.  Good schedule.  Sometimes I mix it up a little.  For the record, my quote page does not pay me anything.  I simply provide that service to others because I like it.  My business page is doing well because I really do want to help others and I am honest with my customers.  See my tabs up top for that.

So this appears to be the year my questions are getting answered.  I asked, and asked, and asked some more last year to no avail.  Should I stay home and start doing my own thing?  What if I don’t make it?  How will we make ends meet?  Will I live in a cardboard box?  Why is my body trying to hijack my life?  Was this part of the “plan” and if so whose plan is this anyway???  Patience has not been my strong suit…like ever.  My friend said to me that there are many ways I can teach, and this is just another way.  It helps to think of it like that.  I am still teaching people, but I am teaching them lessons I have learned.  So here is the quote that keeps popping up in my life:




4 thoughts on “Motivational Monday…working from home

  1. I’m new to the computer navigation. . Found your blog through a Facebook page. Really can relate to what you blog. I shared your poster some years there questions and some years There’s answers. Love it.

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