The Top 10

I have made it my mission to help others as a business fell into my lap.  It’s a work from home kind of business for someone with chronic pain/fatigue like me, so it fits my life. I have helped hundreds of people get to the root cause of why they were not able to lose weight, get out of their heads, and move forward.  I help others improve the relationship with their thoughts and I teach people not to believe everything they think, but to tune in more to how they feel.


A holistic view means that I am interested in engaging and developing the whole person. Physical, emotional, mental and spiritual – Aimee

What can Vitalize You Wellness do for you?

10 Most Cited Reasons to Work with Aimee Halpin:

1. You want to shift your perspective because you are tired of thinking the same thing and getting the same results.

My perspective shifted about 1 month of daily journaling using the gratitude journal E-book and tips in the HHH club. I used to think that journaling and writing my thoughts were for “perfect” complete grammatically correct sentences. It’s not. I feel I have become a better listener because the “chatter” in my head is now on paper. When I go back and read what I wrote I realize It’s a freeing of my mind. I’m learning to appreciate more in my life by putting pen to paper. Journaling has helped me lessen my anxiety.

Thank you Aimee!!! I truly appreciate all your knowledge your share and the care you put into creating HHH, The Burned Hand. – Teresa

2. You are ready for a change that you will actually follow through with.

From starting with the month of gratitude journaling (November 2016), and then joining the Head Heart Health Club it has been a year of much needed changes. Lots of moving forward, letting go and making changes for the better! I have learnt with the help and support from Aimee and the wonderful people within the group to say no without feeling guilty, knowing it’s ok to put yourself first and to look after you before you can look after anyone else. This year has been hard, Amazing, wonderful and the beginning of a journey that I am now ready to take to get me happy, healthy and most of all where I want to be not where I should be! So if you need a supportive group that is there to actually support you on whatever journey you are trying to go on then 100% join the Head Heart Health Club and you will never look back!  – Corey

3. You want to create self-care routines that allow you to have real, inner peace in your life.

Since joining the Head|Heart|Health Club, I’ve gained a greater ability to step back and take a different view with various situations in my life. I’ve also felt more peace in my life, and take more time to focus on me. The group is positive, supportive, and a safe space to share. I’m so very grateful to have found it!   – Club Member for over a year

4. You want more for your life than just hiding your vulnerability and going through the motions.

When I joined the club, I was in a place where I didn’t know how to move forward and at this point I wasn’t really living I was just existing, to the outside world I had it all together. Joke was on them …. I was a shell of who I was & was pretty good at hiding it. I put my trust in the process because I knew something had to change. I started healing & letting go of the past, hurt, heartbreak, feeling worthless. Most importantly I have stopped blaming myself for all the things that go wrong. I’ve still have a long way to go & although it gets tough at times I’m not backing down. That’s the strength that the club gives me. Doing the work is the most important part, Aimee & the club gave me the tools, but it was me that had to pick up the hammer to break through the walls causing me not to move forward. – Mary

5. It is a “game changer” on how you think…it helps you move forward in ways that you didn’t think were possible and uncovers blockages that you didn’t know you had.

Seriously, Thank you! I know I probably go on a lot, but people need to know, this is a priceless opportunity to change your life. It’s as easy as skipping one appetizer on a meal out, or one trip through the drive thru if money is an issue. Since I joined I have lost weight, I have got a tattoo, I journal every day, I have stopped being worried about everything all the time, I have gotten back into art, I have done the yoga daily, people need to do this for themselves. You should have a hash tag “game changer”. That’s the thing about the head heart health group, it’s not like other support groups where a bunch of people are simply relating to your suffering, they understand what you’re going through and help you move forward, instead of sitting in that same state. – Naomi

6. You will take from it what you need and start to develop skills you had left in a dormant state because of daily overwhelm.

I’ve got my settings for this club to show posts in my notifications, emails, and the live videos. It helps keep me plugged in even of I don’t respond. I can tell you Aimee is amazing and intelligent. Along with this club and The Burned Hand many of my toxic thoughts, my fears, the way I interact with people, my dependability, many things have changed and are better!! My relationships have improved too. Please stick with it and please don’t deny yourself the opportunity for your life changed for the better. Everyone has good days and bad, and being here, I love the support I receive and hopefully I’ve helped someone along the way.  – Tonya

7. Clients who have joined the Head|Heart|Health Club are amazed at the transformation in their thoughts, routines, and abilities to handle life’s curveballs.

Instead of focusing on the end goal and feeling like it’s too much I now do the baby steps and focus on one step at a time. Smaller, more achievable targets.  – New Club Member

8. Aimee has the ability to instill new, more successful beliefs that you would expect to pay loads for…but it is delivered on a budget that is right for you.

If you want to learn from wisdom & compassion, Aimee is at the top. I adore her unique teaching style and sense of humor. She has given me all the tools I need for my journaling journey! I have started to improve my mind, my heart and my body. Aimee’s yoga classes work perfect for me while I am  getting back into a fitness routine. ~Tracy

9. You will learn how to gently and lovingly take responsibility for the life you are meant to lead.

The Head Heart Health Club is more than a safe, closed, supportive group. It’s a learning environment teaching gently while learning powerfully. That moment I became aware and then took responsibility for my own happiness I knew this was a place I could trust. Intuitive, loving energy from our sweet teacher provides grounding techniques, journaling, meditation, yoga, mantras and loving advice easily applied to my daily life. I’m so grateful to be here.  – Shawn Kathleen McDonald

10. You will learn to make your own boundaries, take hold of your own pen, and write the things you want to include in your life…including how to accept yourself in all the glorious states of life that you have been, and not get mired in the past, but work to change yourself in the present moment.

Somewhere along the way, I got lost. I followed paths created by the beliefs and opinions of anyone but myself. I gave up my control, my own control of all things. I stopped doing my hair, I stopped making healthy choices. People seemed to accept me more when I cared less for myself. I gave in to the acceptance and lost myself in the process. One day, when scrolling mindlessly through the opinions of others on Facebook, I read a blog post by The Burned Hand, Aimee, it hit home immediately, I then signed up for the newsletter, which I couldn’t get enough of so I looked for more, and I found the Head Heart Health Club, I joined. I was skeptical at first, didn’t take it seriously, then I started really listening, listening with my heart, I started journaling daily, lost as to what to write, but I did it, every day, and continue to. Every single day, something new opens up to me. I do all of the yoga every day now as well. I’d like to think this happened by chance, but it I really don’t think so. How is it possible for exactly what you need, exactly when you need it, happen by chance? I am no longer lost. The progress I have made in 3 months, is more than I have made in my lifetime. I am not afraid to move forward, I’m not afraid to succeed, or fail. This has changed my life, in more ways than I can even list. The gratitude I feel toward Aimee and The Head Heart Health Club is immeasurable! It is truly a gift! – Naomi Marvin

Join us in the Club!

4 thoughts on “The Top 10

  1. Hello, I appreciate your approach to pain and the unfortunate “Health” cards we have been dealt. I will choose to share my story at a later date if needed. We all are dealing with our own individual debilitating physical issues which unfortunately can lead to some sort of mental instabilities. Chronic illness is a daily reminder of how we can improve our lives at that MOMENT!! I know some people who take life for granted and don’t appreciate what is right in front of them and they have no serious health concerns. Anyway, I won’t go on & on.
    Thank you and I’ll check in with you later!

  2. Am retired attorney of 65 years. Have experienced severe chronic depression, insulin dependent Type 2 diabetic with complications of same. Health issues fairly stable, depression shows up now and then but short-lived and mild. Working to make major changes in Act 3 of my life. I and my husband are trying to sell our house and move South for milder climate, to return to my roots, live where my soul belongs. House on the market nearly a year. So beyond ready to move to where I want to live. Struggling to manage my anxiety, be patient, live in the moment. Your blog offers so much to help ease that struggle.

    1. Hi Deb! I hope you were able to check out some of my all-natural tips. I live in Virginia. The words up there that are highlighted are linked to the products I have personally used to help me with many of my issues. Hugs!

  3. The three things I want this year is to strengthen my marriage, finish my aromatherapy certification course, and change my outlook on the world~

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