Motivational Monday…

I was going to write about something negative and how to deal with negative people, but you know what, I don’t even want to think about them anymore.  I motivated myself right off that topic by watching some TED talks.  I watched the 8 traits of successful people and I was prepared to tell you how that can motivate you in your life, but then, oh wow, something caught my eye.  One popped up on the side that screamed “watch me”.  Wow.  This is it.  This is what motivates me:

Ric Elias nails it on the head…it all changes in an instant.  I also like the theory of collecting “bad wines”.  That means, no, I am not saving that bottle for another time.  The time is now.  It really is.  He talks about his ego getting in the way and arguing about things that do NOT matter with people who DO matter.  Hmmm.  There is not one person I know who couldn’t benefit from listening to him say that again.  He is working to eliminate the negative.  Lastly, he said he wanted to be a great dad.  Be present.  Be there for your family.

“Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.”  ~Buddha


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