5 Signs Your Soul is Trying to Guide You (But you aren’t listening)
Each night, I go through my rituals of thinking about the life I want. It didn’t used to be that way though. Before my epiphany, I went to bed thinking about what I didn’t want in my life. The funny thing is, that never got me anywhere. I was miserable in my job, my health was failing as you know, and I couldn’t see through the red haze of pain. I started clearing away everything, and I do mean everything, that was making me miserable.
My soul couldn’t speak in words, but it sure was telling me that I was living my life wrong. It was showing me through my pain that there was more out there, as well as my intuition that kept saying I could improve my entire well-being using my head-heart-health plan that I had started developing for myself. I was on the right path and each time I would veer away, something would catch my eye and I would continue my research into holistic health and wellness. When I was finally ready, I launched the 4 Weeks to Wellness plan in a small group for my friends and ultimately decided to open it to the public.
5 Signs Your Soul is Trying to Guide You:
- My intuition was going crazy and my empath skills were working overtime. I was getting real-life friends messaging me all the time asking me to help them with something new that the doctor told them they had, and after talking to me they felt better. I couldn’t sleep without answering their messages and once I did, I knew instinctively that I had put them on the right path.
- I spent lots of time thinking I was almost onto something big…I could just feel it. But I had to make space for the messages to appear. I had spent a lifetime of over-thinking and needed to re-wire my entire brain. I started slowly and methodically re-centering my thoughts when they went away from my purpose. I did this by eating right, moving, balancing my schedule, and creating self-care routines that were so necessary I started telling others about what I was doing.
- I noticed I was unhappy when I did things that did not feel authentic. Let me un-jargon this for you. There were people in a group who wanted me to sell, sell, sell. Get customers of my all-natural products a certain way; however, it felt “icky” for lack of a better word. I really like using kid terms as I was a teacher and they feel really pure to me. Kids create and do what makes them happy. They make their drawings never looking over to the other kid beside them going wow, his is better than mine. I should have added more blue here or more this or more that. No, they are like wow!!! That is really pretty. I like that. They feel happy with what they create. It is only later when start to compare ourselves to others. <<<< I dislike this to the highest degree. So I didn’t want to be like everyone else. I wanted to do what felt right to me. Basic-level happiness goals.
- Answer this question with the first thing that pops into your head: What do you want? If I was doing things that I didn’t want, I started to feel off course again. Anxious, and not all present. It was a clue that I needed to realign myself with all the methods I taught myself worked for me. Am I just going through the motions on this? Is this a path I want to go down or did I say yes because I was afraid to say no or afraid to miss out on something? I had to stop and listen to my gut feeling about the situation. Was this a hell yes feeling or a meh okay? If it was not what I wanted, why did I put it on my plate to begin with??? I needed to cut that out.
- How do you feel when you get out of bed in the morning? What is the first thing that pops into your mind when you think about work, or doing whatever you have planned for the day? <<< note, HUGE flashing sign there. I knew that I only had a short time here on this earth and I was wasting away because I thought I HAD to finish the job I went to college for. I had to do what my parents thought, or my friends thought, or my colleagues thought was best for my future. I had been programmed to think that way. I had been programmed to think it was selfish to want to leave a perfectly good job when other people were looking for jobs. How many times have I heard that one?
My soul was telling me each and every day that I was meant to help larger groups of people. I lost all sense of time writing and teaching yoga. I lost all sense of time helping other people on the path to wellness. I felt such great joy at seeing my friend do a certain yoga pose for the first time or create her journal based off our talks. When she showed me a particularly private page in her journal, it was an extremely vulnerable talk that we had, but I felt so proud of the things she had written. She was not in the same place a year prior to that. When my newly divorced girlfriend said she turned a corner and started feeling better after her journaling, I knew that my questions were leading these women to really cool places. They were digging deep into what their souls wanted as well and we were uncovering layer after layer of programming. Getting back to the core of who they were.
The last thing that really made me feel great about this path was when a friend said they wanted to cart me around with them to help deal with the anxiety and lead the journal questions in their mind on why they were reacting certain ways. So I say again to you my friends, you really know what you have to do if you have read this article and thought of many answers to the questions your soul might be asking. It’s time to start listening.
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