3 Ways to Harness Inner Change
Life is always changing…yet inwardly, we resist. Do you find change to be a scary process? Especially if you are trying to harness inner change? I know that at times, I do. I am facing something right now that could be a very simple change, yet I am finding it hard to consider.
Moving. Changing addresses. I feel like that is a really hard thing for many people. It’s just a house, right? No. Not to many people. It’s memories, feelings, neighbors and more. So why the resistance to change?
Resistance can show itself in many ways.
The “what ifs” start to surface. It is this area of uncertainty that drives us mad. We know the reality we are living in, correct. We don’t know this scary possibility over here. So let’s just stay in the reality we know.
We have no control over the change. It’s like this, does the caterpillar start to freak out as soon as it goes in the cocoon? Everything happens as it should once it gets in there…and then the butterfly emerges and flies merrily away. None the wiser I suspect about all the little close calls it might have faced while in that cocoon. But we start to question what will happen as we set this in motion..never stopping to think that it could just take its natural course and everything will turn out the way it should…or maybe always was going to anyway no matter what we did.
Nothing looks familiar over here! I went to sleep thinking about the possibility of a new house. Insert whatever you are thinking of here. I have a little routine down right now and it works wonderfully. What if my routine is interrupted? What if moving messes up my business for a bit as I get settled (I work from home). I need to remember the important things, and the things that are going to take some time getting used to. Not focus so much on all the differences.
3 Ways to Harness Inner Change
- Get very clear on why you are even considering this change in the first place. What are the benefits of doing something new, taking a new job, moving, making new friends or doing something that you might consider equally scary right now? Do you have support should you wish to make a change? A sounding board that really has no vested interest in your decision other than for you to be happy? If not, consider joining us in my closed group, <<< but you really do need supportive people around you.
- Uncover the block to this change. This one is really a big step. If you haven’t journaled around this idea, might I suggest drawing a giant boulder in the center of a page, and then putting all the reasons around this “block” until you have exhausted this, and honing in on the one reason you really think might be the biggest block of all. It will probably stem from fear, but you do the work and see if that is where it leads you.
- Don’t give up. If the change is scary, worth it, and you know you can do it, make it your mission to succeed. Put reminders everywhere (fridge if it’s food related, mirror for self-esteem, on the scale if you are wanting to lose weight, etc.), and affirm to yourself that this inner change is worth a few months of discomfort if it is what you truly want. New thought patterns can be created, and soon those new patterns will become your fall back. The old paths will become overgrown, and you will feel much better for making that commitment to yourself as you learn to harness inner change.
Here comes the part where you really get real with yourself. Is this inner change worth the discomfort? Yes as long as it is within your alignment of what you want for path. Breathe in and take 3 deep breaths. Imagine this change has already happened and everything went well. How do you feel now? You have your answer.
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