The 12 Laws Of Karma

A guest post originally published here.

1. The Great Law

  • “As you sow, so shall you reap.” This is also known as the “Law of Cause and Effect.” Editor’s note:
    Every effect has a specific and predictable cause. Every cause or action has a specific and predictable effect.
  • If what we want is happiness, peace, love, and friendship, then we should BE happy, peaceful, loving and a true friend.
  • Whatever we put out in the Universe is what comes back to us.

2. The Law of Creation

  • Life doesn’t just happen. It requires our participation.
  • We are one with the Universe, both inside and out.
  • Whatever surrounds us gives us clues to our inner state.
  • Be yourself, and surround yourself with what you want to have in your life.

3. The Law of Humility

4. The Law of Growth

  • “Wherever you go, there you are.”
  • For us to grow in Spirit, it is we who must change, and not the people, places or things around us.
  • The only given we have in our lives is ourselves, and that is the only factor we have control over.
  • When we change who and what we are within our hearts, our lives follow suit and change too.

5. The Law of Responsibility

6. The Law of Connection

  • Even if something we do seems inconsequential, it is very important that it gets done as everything in the Universe is connected.
  • Each step leads to the next step, and so forth and so on.
  • Someone must do the initial work to get a job done.
  • Neither the first step nor the last are of greater significance, as they were both needed to accomplish the task.
  • Past, Present and Future are all connected.

7. The Law of Focus

8. The Law of Giving and Hospitality

  • If you believe something to be true, then sometime in your life you will be called upon to demonstrate that particular truth.
  • Here is where we put what we CLAIM that we have learned into actual PRACTICE.

9. The Law of Here and Now

10. The Law of Change

  • History repeats itself until we learn the lessons that we need to change our path.

11. The Law of Patience and Reward

  • All rewards require initial toil.
  • Rewards of lasting value require patient and persistent toil.
  • True joy comes from doing what we’re supposed to be doing, and knowing that the reward will come in its own time.

12. The Law of Significance and Inspiration

  • You get back from something whatever you have put into it.
  • The true value of something is a direct result of the energy and intent that is put into it.
  • Every personal contribution is also a contribution to the Whole.
  • Lackluster contributions have no impact on the Whole, nor do they work to diminish it.
  • Loving contributions bring life to, and inspire, the Whole.
It is possible to work in the present moment and apply these 12 laws to your life.  Interested in finding out more about how to work in the present moment to change your life? 

>>Learn More <<

12 laws of Karma



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