Woe is me…
Anyone remember Droopy the cartoon dog? Just say yes. Okay, well, there are times I feel like that. I thought my less than positive feelings would eventually go away when I saw things I couldn’t eat. Sadly, this is not the case around “Pumpkin” season. Yes, it’s a season. I love everything pumpkin. Everything. I want all the mixes, and batches of cake, cookies, drinks, icing, marshmallows, candy and whatever else I am not supposed to eat. So, ahem, last year, when I went through my Grouchy Smurf phase, I deleted and unfollowed every single person pinning CRAP I CAN’T EAT on Pinterest. SICE for short (replace crap with well you get the picture).
However, it was all I could do not to burst into tears at the grocery store with my little pumpkin last night. She has a birthday coming up and we always make funfetti Halloween cake. With the orange icing and sprinkles. I know this is dumb to some people…clearly, I can live without this, but she looked at me with her big blue eyeballs and said “I wish you could eat this.” So into the cart it went because it’s not just about me eating it, it’s about memories.
I mean, let’s face it. I grew up with Taco Bell, Doritoes, McDonald’s and more, and usually, I have willpower. OKAY, I WANT A MEXI-MELT, but can’t have one. And flour tortillas. But whatever. I am trying to be kind to my insides because I was sick all the time. All the time. So I started my business Vitalize You and I try to help others like me. Yes, of course, I offer suggestions based on my gluten-free all-natural supplements because I know they work (the tab is up top here on the blog). And I have lost 17 pounds even though my mom is worried I’m not eating enough. I am. I had put on 20 pounds with my new friend Hashimoto’s. Not some new sushi place.
But I am not that mom…the one who sits around messing with gluten-free flours and making recipes up. I wish I was. Trust me. I look in the cabinet like it’s magically going to mix itself together and jump out for me to eat. I pin things, I do. I even make most of them…if they take like minimal cooking times. Lately I have been eating more fresh veggies, which I love!! It’s much easier than trying to figure out what they are magically going to concoct themselves into. I’m not going to lie, it still takes way more work than I really want to invest in. But I am doing mostly Autoimmune Paleo, so I mean, the cavemom had to work this hard I guess. She couldn’t run up to Taco Bell either. That makes Sir Mix-A-Lot sad. Me too Sir. Me too.
So I’m not sure if you all will get this post, but if you are a gluten-free, sugar-free, food intolerance label checker, word.