Motivational Monday…

Some people can write one thing, it goes viral, and bam!  They are writing books.  I keep plugging away hoping I am going to be that person.  I am actually talking about this post I read on the “worst end of school year mom ever”.  I shared it on my FB page and then I started thinking about how hard it is to be a teacher, and try to get through these last 14 days.  She mentions they are limping across the finish line, does she realize what it is like to teach 18 other people’s children all day long, everyday, and then have to go home and try to use these tactics on your own children?  At this point, you are like, I don’t know how to do that math problem, find the calculator.  You aren’t going to use that later anyway.  Or this one, your sister is better at math than I am, she can check it.  Then there was teacher appreciation week.  Not to sound umm bitter, because I am not, but I got a list, a LIST from my child’s school on what to send in each day.  I got a hug.  It was a nice hug, and I loved it.  It was all mine.  I got compliments.  I get them everyday, and I do feel loved by my class.  The parents didn’t get a list, so it must have slipped all of their minds this year.  Totally fine.

Then she talks about putting together a costume for her child.  I had to put together a parent day.  In the heat.  As it turns out, I got vertigo and was throwing up.  All the other members of my team were outside with all of our kids running around.  One teacher assistant even went in with a sore throat that turned out to be strep throat.  So forgive me, but we don’t do this because we are really getting a kick out of this these last few weeks.  My own child came home after state-wide testing and I was like, yayyyyy, no homework.  Then she said her teacher was teaching her new math, and even I was like what the what???  Please woman.

So how does this fit in with motivation?  Anything worth doing, is worth doing right.  You have to dig your heels in, and run that last mile.  Or walk.  Or limp.  Or be carried by your friends.  Whatever works for you to see it through.  I am being wheeled in, but at least I am crossing the line.

“Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.”  ~Theodore Roosevelt


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