3 Reasons a Fresh New Year is So Appealing.
Many people are stuck in a relationship they just don’t like, a job that sucks the life out of them, and debt that is dragging them down. But this, my friends, this is the year that can change all that…or so you tell yourself.
The problem is unless you change some of your thoughts, patterns of behavior, and habits, it is just going to continue. Many of us are looking for that blank slate. Ahhh. The clock strikes midnight and it is a brand new year. What can we accomplish that is going to be different from last year? What heights are we going to soar to if we have a fresh year before us?
Wherever we are in life’s journey, it is, quite frankly, up to you to decide what you are going to do with your fresh start.
3 Reasons a Fresh New Year is So Appealing:
- At any given point in our lives, we really do have the power to change. We have to accept full responsibility though, and oftentimes, we want to blame other people. But as the New Year starts, usually our resolutions are written in I statements. This is the year I will… It is in that moment, when we aren’t thinking about others and who to blame or lack of money, etc, that we really are grabbing the reigns of our future…and that my friends, is empowering.
- We get really clear on what we want. This is the time we stop second guessing ourselves. We say things like “I am going to lose 5 pounds.” and we know that we want to do this thing. We don’t even think about how at the moment, we just get really clear on what we want to do. This attitude is the one that helps us prepare for what we really want in our lives. if we can stay in this state of mind by constantly re-aligning to this statement, we can actually make this happen.
- We believe anything can happen in this new year…and so it can. This is the time our thoughts have turned inward. This is powerful!! We start thinking more about what our heart wants, and we get out of our heads long enough to believe it can happen. As we turn inward and listen more intently to intuition, we again affirm what we already knew. We’ve got this. We just need a little re-direction every now and again from our heart strings…as they are pulling us in the right direction.
Last year, I got really crystal clear on what I wanted my life to look like. As I started my journal therapy, my life began to change in ways that were astonishing. I would look back over the new month where I had my goals that I really wanted to accomplish that month and there were so many checks by the end of the month. Sometimes the check marks appeared a few months down the road, but still, I was able to check things off at a much higher rate than I ever had before.
I was able to pay off a huge amount of debt, buy a new vehicle, renew my passport, go on vacation, and do many of the things I had set as long-term goals. But just by writing them on my future goals sheet in my journal, they were there and I was held accountable to my dreams. It was actually quite powerful. Of course, not everything has happened yet, but I am moving those dreams over into my new journal for next year.
I invite you to get crystal clear with me in the new year by checking out my monthly content under the Head|Heart|Health tab and start shaping your future the way you want. It really does feel amazing to take ownership of your life!