10 Ways to Improve Your Mood

Doobie-doobie doo. <<< That’s me humming or something like that.  I am walking along, minding my own business, busy being in a great mood, when I get this message from someone not in a great mood.  Or worse, I check my bank account.  Hahaha, that’s always sure to put me in a great mood.  But seriously, whatever it is that has got you in a funk, let’s go ahead and get right on out of it.

Here are 10 Ways to Improve Your Mood:

1. Filter your thoughts.  You know how a pool filter gets the bugs and whatnot out of the pool so that your water is crystal clear?  Well I want you to put a filtration system in your head. Imagine it working as something comes in that’s causing you pain, discomfort, or depression.  Just turn it on, and if you have to run away from whoever is talking loudly making some sort of buzzing sound as if you have just engaged the hot tub cleaning feature, go ahead.  That’s sure to raise a few eyebrows…especially at work.
2. Stop dwelling.  So you wore your Bazinga T-shirt to work and it was dress like a Star Wars character day.  It’s okay.  Don’t replay in your head 1,000 times how you had the perfect Chewbacca robe that you could have gotten away with wearing just today.  Maybe it was even worse than that…and someone ate your all-natural gluten-free microwave meal out of refrigerator and now you have no food for lunch…only it’s 3 hours later and you are still thinking about it.  It’s over. I am sure they did not enjoy it as much as you would have…since it was your special pumpkin ravioli, but don’t go there.  Filter! Filter!
3. Play it cool.  I have been told that acting happy would in fact make me feel happier.  Hmm.  So therefore, tomorrow, when you go back to work, meet everyone in the eye and say hello to them like you mean it.  Act cool.  You got this.  You become what you think about most of the time, so no thinking about who stole your ravioli yesterday…and stop eyeballing Bob.  Think nice happy thoughts, like watching your favorite comedy show later and relaxing, but keep that thought while you work.
4. Be careful who you spend time with.  There you are, minding your own business on break, when Debby comes into the room.  Debby Downer.  That’s right.  You try not to make eye contact, but there’s nowhere to hide.  You pick up a magazine off the break room table really quickly to read it, but it’s a gossip magazine, which really makes you feel worse.  Debby jumps on the headline of doom and gloom and before you know it, your “break” has made you feel worse.  Negative attracts negative. Filter! Filter!
5. Breathe deeply and focus.  Did you know that people who suffer from depression are more likely shallow breathers?  Well neither did I, but I read it. But I do know that by breathing deeply, you cause the release of neurotransmitters in the brain that are associated with happy calm feelings and reduced levels of stress…plus I like brain research.  I also know that when I learned to somewhat meditate (I am trying) that I feel much better.  That’s actually why I encourage everyone to breathe deeply in my yoga classes.  Plus I don’t want them to pass out, but same thing.  I want them to feel good.
6. Put the lime in the coconut oil.  So, because I study things like thyroid function…not for fun, but to improve my health, I added coconut oil after discovering that people who don’t eat correctly could be actually making their anxiety and depression worse.  Coconut oil can boost thyroid function helping to increase metabolism, energy and endurance not to mention you could actually make a Piña Colada some nice fat coconut milk.  Yummy.  See? Mood improved.  Best blog post ever.
7. Lay off the processed foods.  Sorry to be a buzz kill, but hey, look at the bright side, you will feel better.  Ready for some crazy “study” I read about? Yes. Yes you are.  I read a report taken from the Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews that basically uses long words to simply say sugar lights up your brain like cocaine.  It actually becomes an addiction.  Trust me, I was UGLY during my sugar withdrawal phase a little over a year ago, and now don’t even think about it…much.  Except when I see a Cadbury Egg. Filter!
8. Put on some 80’s musicOkay, fine so I stopped listening to modern music somewhere around the year ohhh 1996.  But whatever your personal music choice happens to be, put it on and sing.  It instantly works and activates the happy part of your brain…like ermmmm well other happy things I shan’t talk about, but you know.
9. The orb of sunlight.  You have rolled a 20.  You get to go outside today for 20 minutes.  If you pass this test, you can increase serotonin levels in your brain.  And while I always wear sunscreen or I burn like a vampire, it is suggested that you get the best benefits if you don’t wear sunscreen for those 20 minutes.  Or put on your daylight ring.  Whatever floats your boat…do it.
10. Get a dachshund or three.  It is reported, probably by Grumpy Cat, that cat owners are less likely to suffer from heart attacks than people who don’t own a cat.  And again it is “reported” by some folks who study nerdy brain things like Amy Farrah Fowler, Ph.D. that stroking your long-haired dachshund’s fur is calming to the nervous system and can reduce stress levels and improve your mood…unless they happen to take a pooh right on the floor because they still don’t listen.  In that case, owning a pet may not calm you down.  But hey, the bright side is that at least you can light some mood altering candles now.  Wink.

Lear these tips plus lots more hilarious support from me in our group Head|Heart|Health Club.

5 Ways to improve mood



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