Motivational Monday…stress
When they tell you not to bite off more than you can chew…you need to listen. The problem is, maybe “they” have never been broke. Maybe “they” have never been in debt. And I’m definitely thinking “they” don’t know what it’s like to worry and/or stress over whether or not you will have enough to pay for groceries. Sometimes, people have to do what they must in order to survive. Even if this means adding to their stress.
Ways to survive this type of stress are to take breaks during your work day. I read recently that you should set a timer. Every 50 minutes or so. Ha. But I think that would help me out with my current craziness because then I would realize I have not eaten lunch…that e-mail can really wait.
Go to yoga. I say this quite frequently. But seriously. Either that or learn to meditate…unless having some type of wine port attached is legal. I don’t think it is yet.
If I was the boss, wait I am the boss of myself, sort of, I would make mandatory no work after 5 p.m. ever. No work on weekends, ever. And that sort of thing rules. I really wish I could do that to myself. Why is it people who work from home end up working more??? Someone forgot to mention that to me.
Someone smart in your company needs to streamline the processes for other people. I really liked to make things easier on other teachers when I was a teacher. I liked group planning because IF it ran the way it was supposed to, oh yeah it didn’t, but if and when it did on rare occasions, you would really come out with like a version of the easy button. EVERY company needs this. I can’t stand it when there is no version of something that everyone needs to use. I end up creating my own documents for future reference.
So that’s my motivational tips for today. If there is an easy button, use it folks. Just use it.
🙂 🙂