What happens when you embrace your darkness?
According to Carl Jung, the “persona” defines what we would like to be and how we wish to be seen by the world. Interestingly enough, the word persona is derived from Latin as “mask”. So he describes the “shadow self” as the unconscious mind which holds those fears, weaknesses, and perhaps even the stray evil thought.
Sometimes we feel that in the darkness there is comfort. We can stay there and hang out for a while and no one can see what we are thinking about or what’s really going on. So let’s think about this for a moment.
Each and every one of us, has darkness. It’s just part of life. Part of our soul that has been changed by experiences…but we are ourselves because of it. It is neither good nor bad until we act on it. It’s just there; however, if you are fighting depression, it seems to stay more present in your mind.
So what are some ways we can deal with our darkness once we are ready to move forward into the light?
- Record your joys and your gratitude for the good things you have going on in your life in a journal. <<< just like the one I use:)
- List what good you have recently…like swept a neighbor’s porch off, or given clothes away to someone who needs them. Paid it forward in the coffee drive through. If you are having problems listing things, go out and do something!
- Find a way to laugh and incorporate funny videos into that if it helps you smile.
- Do some exercise, walk, or get yourself to yoga!
- Get your vitamin D as it helps beat depression back with a mental boost.
- Shift into the light…literally. My friend suggested this light to me called a Ion Therapy Lamp.
- Help lift someone else up by paying them a compliment when they least expected it. Maybe even something you admire about them that you have never told them!
- Pray, meditate, or shift your thoughts to something else. You can use a mantra, or even affirmations.
The bottom line is this…it’s okay to NOT be okay every once in a while. As I said today on my fan page, a shadow is cast by a light. If you are noticing a shadow, you are also casting a light.
Whether you are trying to wear too many masks, such as the one you wear at work, or the one you wear at your child’s school function, and your true self is just tired of the whole game…so the darker thoughts start to creep up. That is definitely a sign that a break is needed.
Once we begin to see that the darker parts of us are really there as a guide, we begin to see what parts we want to bring more light to. We can peacefully co-exist with both sides, and we can also learn to understand what it means. There are times we need to take a break, step back from the world and re-charge. The darkness likes to point out when we are stretched too thin, so just take note and remember to breathe.