Do you just know things?

Claircognizance or Intuition. You decide.

Hope College social psychologist David Myers, PhD, wrote the intuitive right brain is almost always “reading” your surroundings, even when your conscious left brain is otherwise engaged. The body can register this information while the conscious mind remains blissfully unaware of what’s going on.



What’s claircognizance then?


Well, the exact meaning is clear knowing.  The thing that struck me as I started my research down this rabbit hole was the wording “Information received claircognizant is most often mentally, accompanied with the strong knowing sense that it is true…Despite the lack of any logical or physical evidence to point to.”  Do you ever get the feeling that you just know something and you can’t really explain where it comes from?  Like a feeling in your gut, soul or even mind that something is definitely true without any evidence at all as to explain why you know this?  To be honest, it happens to me all the time.


This almost always happens when I am really trying to move forward and not address a certain thought or idea.  The thought will come into my head and I have to write it down.  Something says “try this out” and then I do.  It works wonderfully.  That is one example of what happens to me, but here are a few more that you might recognize.


You might be using claircognizance if:


  1. You feel strongly lead to reach out and communicate with someone, check on them or comfort them and you can’t stop thinking about them until you do it.  << You often want to apologize for intruding, but they end up really needing to let you know something.
  2. Almost before someone betrays you…or even a close friend, you sense it.  Often with no explanation at all or reason, you just know when someone needs to “watch their back“.  It is always, always spot-on.
  3. You are the go-to person for answers when people need an objective opinion on something they just can’t quite seem to get to the bottom of.  You already were there…at the bottom…waiting to help.
  4. You interrupt because you kind of already know what they are getting to so you just feel like saying it so they don’t have to feel bad if it’s something heavy and deep.  It is just who you are.  You want to take the weight off them.
  5. Your knowledge is specific.  It isn’t vague even if you act that way.  You don’t like to let people know how much you really see because you don’t quite understand it all yourself.


So when we take a look at what we say intuition is, it’s really quite different.  It’s that gut feeling that something isn’t right.  It’s that split second of the body registering without you really being aware.


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