4 Ways to use Moon Energy
Many of you already know how to read energy and can feel the subtle differences when things are just “off”. I asked my closed group to help me lock into what they are feeling right now, and it’s all over the place. The group is a smaller representation of people who are interested in learning how to control their thoughts, energy, empath abilities and so much more from my readers like you.
Getting back to basics, here’s what we know. There are have been stories spanning many years and many continents about how the energy of the moon seems to affect people’s behavior. I know you have heard “Oh it must be a full moon.” when people try to explain why someone has done something. Have you ever wondered if there is any truth to that?
Here’s an interesting fact. People have been looking for clean energy sources for a long time. So we know that the moon is a powerful force and can be used to help our planet. So taking it to the other side of this, there are tangible and intangible frequencies that are emanating from the sky.
So when the moon is full or new, the gravitational pull of the moon and sun combine in a way that is powerful.
4 ways to use moon energy:
- This is a time of reflection. What is working in your life? What is not working? What have you been avoiding? Not the same as procrastination because it might be something internally telling you to pause, but look at what you are avoiding completely and reflect on why you are doing this.
- Communication needs to be face to face. The written word can be read into. What you need to say to someone, if at all possible, can be done on Skype so you can see the facial cues, or in person. Breathe deeply and don’t over react to words that are sent in a text, e-mail, or some other message. Get clarification first.
- Positive affirmations are needed at this time. I habitually repeat affirmations during times of need, and I felt like this month my Head|Heart|Health Club was going to need some extra love. I will share a few for you if you have not used them before. I am healing. This was very powerful for me in my journey of coming back from pain. I took a negative thought, and turned it around to work for me in the positive. I am worthy. This is a great one if you are feeling insecure around anything at this time. I always succeed. This might be a good one for work. So, in our club this month, I felt that courage was needed and we are working around stepping into that. You can use the affirmations however you want, but make it a positive habit.
- Breathe and pause. Set your alarm 5 minutes earlier and remember to focus on your breathing. Write out how your day is going to go in the positive or sit and meditate. Everyone thinks of meditation as this long, drawn-out process. It doesn’t have to be. It can simply be reflecting or visualizing while focusing on your breath on how you want the day to go. It can also be thinking about the good in your life therefore creating that gratitude mentality.
All in all, remind yourself there are going to be good days and bad days at any time of the month, but taking measures to be proactive in the way you approach your thoughts, feelings, and physical body will surely help you get through anything that crosses your path. Want to learn more? See the right hand side of this blog and sign-up for the newsletter over there or click on the get this blog e-mailed to me area. Speak to you soon on the weekly chat.