Motivational Monday…

Thoughts are swirling around in my head like dark thunder clouds.  Threatening rain at any moment.  I have to get control over them or bring an umbrella.  Emotions are a powerful storm and predicting when they are going to form is difficult…just ask our local weather people.  All that aside, there are a few things you can do to stay on top of what is happening to you.  I am going to try to help you as I help myself.

  1. Journal-  I have mentioned this before, but keeping a journal or note pad nearby helps.  Write what you are feeling and acknowledge it, but let it pass.  The feeling does not control you.  You control it.
  2. Cry-  If needed, have a great big sob fest.  Once it is over, stop thinking about it.  Start thinking about the present once again and what you can do to stay in the moment.  Go do a few dull tasks like folding laundry or making a list for the store.
  3. Exercise-  Go for a walk.  It really helps me focus on my breathing and the gift of nature.  I know to some people this sounds silly, but I love looking at the trees.  I think about how big the world is, and how my problems might seem big at the moment, but in the grand scheme of things, they will pass.
  4. Think first-  Now, I’m going to be honest.  Ahem.  This one is really hard for me.  If I have a lot on my plate, I have a hard time doing this.  I saw a wonderful lady speak last year and her name is Lysa TerKeurst.  Her energy and honesty knocked me off my feet.  I bought her book, and tried to practice what she preached about coming “Unglued”.  That was the name of her book, and I knew I could fit into the categories she described.  I sometimes explode.  Period.  I am working on that and probably always will.
  5. Consider options-  I am getting better at this.  There is more than one way to face something and I have started removing myself from the situation.  Period.  No going back.  I don’t mind burning bridges all the way down to the ground.  That sounds a bit extreme, but if it isn’t working and it hasn’t worked for a while, why go back there?  I slowly remove myself from those situations and decide that I need new options.
  6. Find the good-  This one is hard, I know.  Why did this happen to me?  I don’t understand.  Neither do I, but focusing on the negative does not help.  You know that.  I know that.  We all know that.  Pick yourself up by the seat of your pants like the Lorax, and move on.  Poof.  I am doing that.



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