Which Chakra Are You Guided By?


Which Chakra Are You Guided By?

Chakra used to be a word that I really didn’t understand and therefore had a hard time grasping at first in my yoga studies.  What in the world is a Chakra anyway?  Why is it important?

In Sanskrit, the word Chakra literally means wheel.  So far so good…but in yoga and other forms of healing, it refers to wheels of energy in the body.  Energy is connected to the physical body through the 7 different areas, and when one is blocked, we begin to feel out of balance.

The 7 Chakras are as follows:

  1. Root- The Muladhara (red)
  2. Sacral- The Svadhisthana (orange)
  3. Solar Plexus- The Manipura (yellow)
  4. Heart – The Anahata (green)
  5. Throat – The Vishuddha (blue)
  6. Third Eye – The Ajna (indigo)
  7. Crown- The Sahaswara (purple)

Now let’s see what Chakra you are guided by and therefore what colors you might consider adding to your wardrobe!  Feel free to pin it and share it with others!




3 thoughts on “Which Chakra Are You Guided By?

  1. Hi ! 🙂
    I have done the test twice, with only one answer slightly different. In one case I got third eye chakra and in the other one I got heart chakra… does it mean I go from one to the other one as a leader depending on the situation ? (don’t know anything about chakras 🙂

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