The World’s “New Normal”…3 tips for you to adjust.

I remember that blissful, ignorant year.  2019.  It seems like 5 years ago for many of us.

We walked around without our face underwear on (I made that up based off a funny meme).  We said hi to people and hugged them.  Like a real, lingering, hold on tight, hug.  We didn’t go to parties because we felt over programmed.  We felt over worked and we booked travel to get away from work and stress.  We chatted with people or avoided people.  We thought it was normal all the things we did or didn’t do.  Until the fall of 2019 when a few people heard about a virus.

By winter of 2019, more people had heard, but naturally, it was assumed by many that it wasn’t anything to worry about and it certainly wouldn’t get to you.  Your people.  Your loved ones.  Then we roll over to 2020.  Wow.  All of time stood still. Literally.  I can remember the virus reaching Washington State here…and everyone holding their breath.  Literally, and figuratively.

The days passed in a blur after that.  My sadness from my first born being away at college left me as fear set in at first.  She was away.  Then I monitored the virus as I wasn’t sure what facts were real, what was fake, and everyone suddenly was a doctor on my feed.  I calmed down and realized that I was going to make a plan, the same thing I would do if a hurricane was coming and I didn’t know the path, and then I let out the fear, little by little and relied on my faith and the knowledge that whatever comes, comes.  Whatever goes, goes.  I could no more stop it than I could a hurricane.

I saw people become hermits due to immense fear, and others were careless with no fear for the unknown.  None of us knew how to behave for a bit, and we didn’t know what to say to our friends.  As it became apparent that it was a real virus, I saw people finally start to tone it down and go somewhere in the middle.

Whatever happened in your feed, I hope we give some of the people who seemed foolish, whatever that looks like to you, a bit of breathing room and grace.  I think we all wish we had been better prepared, and I know for a fact many, many people would give anything to do some things differently my friends.

So how do we now move forward from this? 

We do our best not to stay in fight or flight.  Many people seem to have been there a year.  That kind of stress on the body will wear your soul out my friends.  We don’t have to fight everyone on our feeds.  We don’t have to run and hide.  Decided what you are okay with letting go right now.  Decide what is worth a fight.  It is NOT the opinions of other people.  It is protecting your family, your household and your way of life.  Meditate with your kids.  Get out and walk.  Do the yoga, the reading and nest if that is what your soul wants.  Who cares if someone is working out everyday?  Eating healthy and you aren’t.  There really aren’t rules for this time, but do your best not to burn out.  I created a plant wall by the way…and I water my plants daily.  I bought these things if you want to see them.  <<   I am sharing what I use.

Take time out from any and all social media.  Look, I loved the Bernie memes.  If that is the best thing that happens this year, well I will be sad for social media, but honestly, it wouldn’t surprise me.  The left is over here, the right is over here, Boris is doing something, no one in the UK can really tell me what, but he has shut them all down again and well, more people seem to be scrolling memes.  So.  If that is now your hobby, erm.  Okay, but make it a day and then try to take a day off.  Please get a daylight lamp.  << Please if you don’t get anything else this year, try this for yourself.

Get some good sleep.  I bought new sheets for my kids, myself and then better slippers.  We are here longer, right?  I do a nighttime routine that is longer.  I warm up warmy things.  Put oils in the diffuser.  I bought all the hand soaps here. << I also bought deep sleeping creams, diffusers for every room, and more.  If we were all going to stay here longer, it was time to focus on what I could do to stock up on things to help me.  I started a clean face routine for morning and night and use the oils that Plant Therapy has.  You can get them with or without CBD, but since it is legal and wonderful benefits, I use the CBD for my face.  Don’t worry, they have a FAQ section if you want to know more as I do all my own research with my body and I suggest you do the same.  All I know is that I went to work on things that would help me sleep, relax, live and boost my system during this time.

I continue to stay to the light and I hope you do too my friends.  If you need more help, self-care ideas, journaling chats, and want to listen to my online classes, go here.  << Today.


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