The 6 things you need to know today.
Every once in a while, we get in a “rut”. We feel as if we are not going anywhere and that our situation will never change. I’m here to tell you it can and it will. Just by implementing a few strategies, your life can change drastically…for the better. We are works in progress and our job here is not done…yet.
The 6 things you need to know today.
- Money will not make you happy. Okay, I know you are thinking “I’d be really happy if I won the lottery!!” I would be happy too, but I’m not going to arrange my life around money. I’m going to arrange my life around my passion, and once I am doing something I love, the money will come. It will. I am actually doing what I love right now.
- Be you. The choices others make in no way shape or form define who you are. So they think you are making a mistake doing x,y and z. That’s on them, not you. Be around people who lift you up not bring you down. Be true to you.
- Live in the present. If this was your only take-away from this post, I would be happy. Put the damn phone DOWN. Step away. I know that I am working on this one too…so you can comment if you have solved this, but I love the post that is on Facebook about the group of people out to dinner and the phones are in the middle. The first one to reach for their phone pays for the meal. Ta-dah. Being present and accountable! It’s a win-win. Even if the conversation around you is not something you can contribute to, being fully aware of the moment is important to us all.
- Take risks. Never apologize for taking a chance. A risk. For stepping out on that limb even if you hear a crack. Because the bottom line is…you would have always wondered “what if” and now you don’t have to live with that. There is a chance your choice could be just what you were looking for. It might even be life-changing.
- Happiness depends on you. There is no magical castle where they give out happiness wands just for visiting…or magic beans. You have to work hard at deciding what you will let in and what you want to keep out. For me, this is always a work in progress as I do pick up on the moods of others, but it’s my choice what I let in. Mine and mine alone. Choosing another way takes practice. Focusing on the good I have in my life works wonders.
- Love. You know, as a child, I don’t remember random people telling me that they loved me. I don’t remember friends telling me that either…until I became an adult. Why is it so hard to think in terms of love? We are humans doing the best we can. We make mistakes. We fail. We cry. We hurt. We get hurt by other people. We are simply trying to navigate some pretty hard storms at times and it’s okay to say “I love you. I made a mistake. I am here for you.” If you haven’t said this someone today, try it and see what happens. P.S. I love you for being here today and truly taking the time to read this.
Some good ideas to live by. 🙂
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