Motivational Monday…

My motivation today comes from knowing when enough is enough.  If you are worn out, overworked, stressed, and tired is it okay to miss something?  Yes.  Put yourself first.  If you are not doing that in your life, make it your mantra.  In doing this, I searched for a way to make this sound less harsh.  I wanted someone who understood.  I found it here.

My friends all read her blog, and I must admit I like her style, but I am not a regular reader.  I read whatever strikes my fancy and usually, to be honest, if the blog runs long, I skip over parts.  Sorry.  That’s why I keep my posts short.  I want to engage you, motivate you, and not lose you.  Ha.  Back to my point.  Do what you like and like what you do.  It can be simple.  It really can.  The same goes for who you hang out with.  If you would rather stay home, say so.  I’ll catch you next week.  That’s it.  Don’t be afraid they won’t understand because if they don’t, you needed to see less of them anyway.  Put your needs first.  It is not selfish.  You have to know your limits.

“Above all, be true to yourself, and if you cannot put your heart in it, take yourself out of it.” ~Hardy D. Jackson


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