Manifesting Journal Tips

Once upon a time, I started a journal and acted AS IF what I wrote in the journal had already come true.  I started adding in monthly goals, and then just writing throughout the month AS IF those goals came true.  If I showed you my journal now, you would be amazed at the number of check marks beside each statement I wrote.  Yes, they came true.

So before you guys think I am making this up, I kid you not, I started telling my girlfriends about it.  We have a night we call “Sister circle” and it is a night we can bring crafts, stories, wine, or whatever, ha, to the table.  I started telling them a while back about my journal.  Then I started helping my friends journal…and even art journal, bullet journal or whatever, but they had to lay it all out there.  Bare.  No lies in the journal.

Since I started my journal therapy sessions, one girlfriend came back to yoga, started losing weight and unblocking her weight-loss well, block, another started healing internally from divorce, and countless other things have happened.  I think the BEST thing that has happened, is that I thought they would be afraid to show me their journals, but they aren’t.  That is huge.  It means they are stepping into this truth that they write and owning it, which is part of the shift in thinking.  We live from a place of now instead of fear.  I was so proud of my girlfriend who wrote on weight loss that the first time she showed me her wall, I got teary.  It was a huge shift.  Oh, the wall she drew in her journal with all her blocks on losing weight.

5 Tips to Manifest Change in Your Life:

  1. Practice gratitude each morning.  I recently gave my talk in London about how at my darkest pain level, I started getting out of the bed and saying “thank you”.  I talk to God, Angels, Ancestors, and the Universe, but you do whatever floats your boat.  I don’t believe I have to make a choice in believing that God supports my decisions to get well only if I do x,y,z and therefore Law of Attraction type thoughts are wrong.  Nope.  He supports me.
  2. I constantly realign my thoughts every single minute.  I am no different from you.  Each of us has the potential to think good or bad thoughts and dwell on them.  Notice the thoughts and every time you think a negative thought, put a positive spin on it and float it down the river.
  3. TAKE ownership of what is happening in your life.  People most often blame others, their parents, God, the Universe, the Devil, your 5th grade teacher…or someone else.  Umm.  It’s you.  Yup.  It’s you.  I know what you are thinking…I didn’t ask for this.  Neither did I, read my about me to see what I didn’t ask for.  Nevertheless, it was there.  I couldn’t change my genes.  I accepted the diseases and then finally, finally, began to move on.  Yes, I spent countless hours researching and developing a plan to move forward and release myself, but still, I did something about it!
  4. Write down a clear intention of how you want to feel.  I started writing how I wanted to feel, and reading it nightly.  I wrote what great things were coming to me.  And I sat and felt those emotions.  How I would feel in my new SUV and what it would be like to really have a new car.  We desperately needed one, but here is a tip.  You can’t manifest from desperation.  I had to let all that go.  Scarcity thinking.  Nope.  Abundant thinking.  Yes.  I have enough.  I am enough.  I wrote about the vehicle in December.  In April, we bought a new SUV.  My mini-van was literally falling to pieces by that time, but I let go of the thoughts of not making it down the road.  I opened myself up to thoughts of a reliable vehicle and how that would feel.
  5. Really and truly feel the gratitude AS IF it has already happened.  Seriously, this one is so important that it started and ended my days.  I said thank you every night.  I blessed the goodness in my life nightly.  I still do.  I push allllll the other thoughts away and if for some reason I can’t, I go to yoga then I can think on what great things have happened.  So have your routine.  Go for a walk, pray, mediate, run, go to yoga, but think on the goodness of the universe because it is there.  It is.  Do good deeds and random acts of kindness as you go along, and you will really feel the boomerang effect of what you think you attract.

Lastly, because I believe in journal therapy so much, I added another bonus to my Manifest Journaling 101, which really and truly gets you out of your head and into action!!  The whole reason I designed it was for people who are stuck in their heads, hearts, and not able to move forward in their lives.  Much like I was in the beginning of this life-long journey to create the path I was meant to be on.  I am there now and would love to have you join me!

Gift of thanksEditor’s Note…I like this journal:

Still want more incentives to journal? Look here at my courses and e-books!






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