I can’t turn it off…
If there was ever a time I needed to turn off my brain, it would be now. I saw the signs leading up to it. They have always been there. I just THINK too much. I think too much to meditate. I think too much during yoga…well, when I went. I think too much when I’m trying to go to bed…so I read until it’s impossible to think and I finally fall into deep sleep (with the help of some all-natural pills). I think so much that when a friend invited me to “Mindfulness” day, I thought it was “Mind full of mess” and quickly accepted. Oh wait, that’s not it. Okay, because I totally have that day on repeat.
I even thought too much when I went to a relaxing float spa. Don’t ask. Alien pod, you float. Thoughts of cryogenics and freezing me for later awakenings might have entered my mind. That or being trapped in there. And maybe, do they clean this thing? Am I floating in someone’s healing water because I hope this is fresh. How much salt is in here? Hmm. This place is hot. I wonder if this is like the temperature of the jungle or something? No Hawaii, wait how would I know? Maybe this is like a hot spring. Yeah. I wonder if this is healing me now? Oh yeah, that nice lady told me she hated this pillow for my head, but I like it because she also told me not to get my ear wet if I ever had ear problems. Remember that one time when your ear drum burst? Yes. Worst pain ever. How will I know when this thing is done? How much time has passed? Oh that’s right, the music cues up to remind me. I had just dozed off when the music came back on and the jets started signaling it was over.
By the time I was done “relaxing”, I needed to relax. Every single day, I write at least 3 blogs in my head as I am trying to fall asleep. They are usually quite awesome, but I will myself to stay there and go to bed. So some strategies I am GOING to start using are as follows:
- Stop looking at my phone. The only way to do this is to un-install FB from my phone. No lie. I have done it before. I lasted a week. It was better than nothing. Stupid Smart phone. It flashes, and makes noise. Stop.
- Get back to nature. I love being outside and this winter has dragged on, and on, and ON. And on. Like the Groundhog Day movie itself. Cold is not my friend.
- Get back to yoga…I will eventually do this one. I will.
- Pull weeds. That’s right. Gardening is good for the soul.
- Get to bed on time…which essentially means shutting down an hour earlier. Making myself stick to “business” hours since I work from home has been difficult.
- Drink turmeric milk before bed. Ahhh. It’s tasty and healing. See my Pinterest board.
- Remind myself that I have to let go of things that are out of my control. Poof.
So, give over to this energy that creates dreams and let go of the energy you are spinning in all directions. If you know how to do this, feel free to let me know:)
Author’s note: This post was created before I became a yoga instructor…and before I created my meditative style of journaling. See the Head|Heart|Health Club for the ways I really do turn it off.
Those sound like GREAT goals : ) Thank you for sharing with such honesty. Remember to be kind with yourself as you work on these changes! And I LOVE that quote at the end!!
Thank You!!