Look at that. Right there, I made a choice to change the way my blog looks just by adding this quote at the top. Wouldn’t it be fabulous if all choices were that easy? When Deepak Chopra writes about Applying the Law of “Karma” or Cause and Effect, he has this to say: Whenever I make a choice, I will ask myself two questions: “What are the consequences of this choice that I’m making? and “Will this choice bring fulfillment and happiness to me and also to those who are affected by this choice?”>>> More choices under Head|Heart|health Club <<<
How often do we genuinely pause and ponder these two questions? You see the problem is, I think we don’t stop to think about it at all. If you are about to do something, but you have not given much thought as to what happens next, it is best to actually pause and consider this. The last year I was teaching, I made a plan to begin changing my career and go after what I really wanted. I wanted to write, and I found that I had a knack for social media. I knew that the consequences were going to include struggle as I continued to build up a writing portfolio.
The first time I was contacted by an editor who wanted me to submit an even longer piece for publication, I felt the excitement and happiness of my choice. The first time I got a rejection letter in the mail, smeared with some sort of greasy substance, I felt the doubt of my choice. All in all, I knew that my well-being was better off for having made the choice to take a chance. I knew that without a doubt, my life would not change working all the time and coming home too exhausted to write. I am happy with change. Hopefully, my life is about to change again as I am ready for something new.
As they say , at first we dont succeed we try and try again … and after all that work something good is bound to come out of it ….