What You Allow Will Continue
I do not know who first said this quote.
“What you allow is what will continue.” ~Unknown
Sometimes, by stating the truth, you make people mad. This is one of those quotes. Yesterday I did a FB Live talk about our emotional triggers and so this quote really describes the essence of being triggered.
I think it’s past time we took back control of our lives, and I don’t need to allow certain behaviors in my life anymore. It is that simple. Why do we complicate things?
Keep this in mind as you are reading this: I am independent of the good or bad opinions of others.
You see, I want to expand the minds of others so that we can see that emotional triggers happen when we react. <<< this happens lots and lots on Fakebook. Someone posts a photo of the glorious vacation, their new car, their raise, their deal, their business thing, the friend they like better than you, the night they all went out without you, or the hashtag they created and use as a team, but you weren’t included. Whew. The feelings around all this suck.
The bad feelings suck a big ass. Can I say that to you? Well I did. No one wants to feel like this. But here it is. The feelings we want to create instead are more likely to be accepted, respected, to be treated fair, included, to be understood and of course, to be right. Unfortunately, everyone else wants to feel this way too.
What can you do to create more of what you want?
- Instead of reacting when certain needs aren’t met, become an observer of your thoughts.
- As we observe for a minute, what is it really telling us?? What is the feeling that is triggering this emotional response? Is it lack? Jealousy? Just wanting something different today? Think about it for a while.
- As we shift, we become more present in our “stuff”, not theirs. Who knows what they have going on, but you can be sure they have bad days too.
- Center yourself. Get really still and begin to focus on your breathing. Sit up straight and put your feet flat on the floor. Shift into feeling. Put your hand on your stomach below your navel and just inhale and exhale as you feel your belly expand and then contract as you breathe.
- Find the opposite feeling of your emotional trigger and connect with that thought. Here is an example. Anxiety might be a trigger so the response you might actually want to create for yourself is calmness. Connect to the energy of calm by playing relaxing music, coloring or journaling.
My wish for you this year is that you create more of what you want and that your self-respect continues to grow in this manner. If we continue to allow the wrong things to bother us without putting up clear and healthy boundaries, I think we will find that more of what we don’t want will follow.
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