5 Things People Who Value Their Self-Worth Do Differently
As you drift off to sleep each night, you begin to dread the next day and it hasn’t even happened yet. You wonder if anyone would even notice if you didn’t show up for work. You are tired of going through the motions when it seems other people are out there living. What are they doing differently?? You ask yourself this question for the hundredth time. How are they making it look so damn easy when each and every day is a struggle just to get out of bed…
5 Things People Who Value Their Self-Worth Are Doing:
- Secure people are making time for their self-care routines. That doesn’t mean they are ignoring everyone else, it just means they know how important it is to put the oxygen mask on first in order to help others. This is a huge block for most people. You feel selfish. The opposite of that is actually caring. you are caring for yourself like no one else will, and you better believe you have every right to feel good.
- Confident people set firm boundaries. No means no. They don’t say things like “I’m sorry, but…” and then explain why because that might leave a hole for some wiggle room. I said no to someone recently based on my own self-care and then got a but what if. Umm. No. I said no, I mean no. Don’t let the other person make you feel guilty for taking care of yourself. If this were reversed surely they wouldn’t feel guilty, right? So don’t feel the need to explain yourself. Again, only you can set your limits.
- Courageous people accept responsibility for their own lives. In my talk today, I used a quote from Brené Brown “Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen.” When we stand in our own glorious mess, we don’t project or deflect the blame. We step up and say here I am. This is my life and I am entirely responsible for HOW I am being. How I am showing up, and what I am throwing down. Can I get an amen or a right on sister here? This is such a vital lesson that many don’t learn their whole lives.
- Brave people let go of past guilt. This is so hard. Everything up until this moment has been a choice and just like I said today in my talk, if you could have done better back then, you really would have. You were doing the best that you could, so let that shit go. Yup (pooh doesn’t have the same effect). Guilt is just another block on the path to accepting yourself so you can use it as a paver or stepping stone. See it, acknowledge it, but lay it on down.
- Positive people don’t stay around negative influences. They know when it’s time to move on. This can be at work, avoiding those gossiping ladies, or even in a relationship that just isn’t working out for you anymore. Whatever it is, know when it’s time to move on down the road. Sing the song “Moving On Up” in your head as you get away from these situations. Seriously. The Jefferson’s approve. Higher vibrations are much better for you anyway.
If you are interested in the whole FB Live chat, see this link here. Next month, in the Head|Heart|Health Club we are going to be removing the blocks to worthiness, letting go of guilt, and working on replacing these old patterns of thought with new ones. I am super excited about the content and can’t wait to have you join us!! We will be diving really deep into the cycle of negative thoughts, setting up new boundaries and testing for weaknesses, and creating affirmations on self-love which will lead us to a more confident outlook on life.
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