5 Things to Start in a New Month to Re-charge!
I don’t know about you, but I am very thankful to see the start of a new month. I feel bogged down by all of that old month’s nonsense somehow. Like “get it out of here already” and let’s begin fresh. Although to be perfectly honest, it could have to do with looking at your bank account at the end of the month and seeing how many “friends” you have in there and wanting them to invite more friends over there so you know, it’s not lonely.
So whee, start of a new month. I feel re-charged with the first day in a new month. Like it has its own energy, and I am going to plug into that. I wanted to share with you my tips on how you can use this in your own life.
For inquiring minds, it doesn’t matter if you are single, have kids, don’t have kids, have pets, have no pets except for dust bunnies, whatever. This really relies on you. I need you to get that concept like you need air to breathe. The start of changing and re-charging is always up to you and it can be done at any time you choose. So, with that in mind…here we go.
5 Things to Start to Re-charge:
- Embrace the morning. Look. I get it. I actually do considering I have the Vampire disease and I really am a night person, but I have been setting my alarm clock back 5, 10, then 15 minutes earlier. Why? What does this do for you? First, please use a real alarm clock. Everyone who watches my videos knows I say this. It gives back the power and takes it away from your phone. Any number of things can and do go wrong with technology anyway, but the worst is checking out what everyone else is doing before you check in with yourself. << Busted. Seriously. The urge to check-in on social media is an addiction that only you can start to change when you get fully centered in your own routines that don’t involve the phone being the first thing you check.
- Start with gratitude. So this morning, as the sleepiness was wearing off, and I stretched in bed, I was thankful for my favorite flannel sheets that I use no matter what the temperature is outside. I embraced my eyes opening and said thank you for today. I did a body scan quickly and told my body how I wanted it to act today. << This is something I teach in my club about the power of positive thinking and using it to manifest the desires we wish to see come true in our lives. It’s kind of a long story about how I used to feel when I woke up, but for those of you who are new here, feel free to read this later >> About me <<. I continued to say thank you for the blessings in my life as I got out of bed.
- Have a plan for your meals. I start this off when school starts again in the fall because in the summer, its fresh veggies and fend for yourself. However, there’s strength in planning as you don’t see the worst foods in your fridge and grab those…well if you do, it’s at least because you wanted it instead of there was nothing to eat. I am certified in sports nutrition, but even I struggle with staying on track. Because I am gluten intolerant and do still have autoimmune disease, I get that life isn’t always fair. So in order to go around that thinking, I have everything that supports me fully in front of me. Like 5 foods to boost my mood <<< Read later:) A new month means a new plan for my fridge, which oddly enough, makes me feel so good!
- Move your body! People who are not used to exercise are often drawn to my style of group coaching. Why? Because I get that you don’t want to move when you are in pain, but the benefits outweigh the negatives. This past summer, I started a new program for myself, and I was in some pain of my own making. And you know what? That actually feels freaking amazing compared to the pain of dis-ease. My youngest daughter started to run cross-country as well, and her results have been amazing. Her entire energy changed. She came home full of those great “runner’s high” endorphins and her entire mood was different. She was doing things she didn’t think she could do so naturally this boosted her head, heart and health. Get your friends, fam and anyone else out there walking with you. No one said you have to start big, and if you need help, check out my baby steps program >>> 4 Weeks to Wellness <<< for a great start to your month.
- End your day with journaling. The research on this alone is astounding as some of you know that I am a former teacher who loves brain-based research. Since starting my own personal journal practice in 2015, my life has changed for the better. when thoughts struggle to overtake me, I do my yoga breathing, get centered and journal it all out. I create my world based on how I want it to be and I start to remove my own blocks on paper. The research on this is that we are using language more and thinking about how to remove these blocks thus improving our immune function as well. << Seriously. Writing also has critical connections to speaking, and your communication improves from the “dumbing down” we have seen due to technology and using abbreviations. << Don’t be mad, it’s not my research, but it is true. You can use this technique with your entire family if you want and measure the results in as little as 3 months. Memory starts to improve, comprehension, and more.
If you are interested in learning more about how journaling changed my life and continues to be my constant go to as I obtain clarity, sort through things that come up in a completely different way, capture inspiration and really sort through my emotions to achieve happiness, find out more here.
>> The Club with Soul << Have a peek at the end of it at what the members say 🙂
I really hope this inspires you to start living your best life right now. I know that if I can do it, and turn my life around, so can you. ~Aimee