5 Powerful Life Lessons I Learned from Owning My Story.
I know that some people start blogs with this wild notion they are going to get rich by blogging. In 1998, when everything happened to me, I never in a million years thought I would write about it. I wasn’t even sure how to go about it. So here is my video talk for you today and I hope you understand what writing this blog has meant to me.
>> Aimee’s Story <<
I have had people take entire posts from me and reproduce on their blog, but the thing is this. They can’t take my story away from me.
5 Powerful Life Lessons I Learned From Owning My Story
There are going to be good days and bad days. In the beginning, there might be more bad days than good. What is that pushing you to learn about yourself? What is your struggle teaching you? Where is it propelling you?
Here are a few of my early days:
You are not your disease. This one might be hard to remember, but you are not what is happening to. You are made of stronger stuff than that and you can and will survive. I know it doesn’t seem like you can, trust me, if you watched my video you see that I am with you as I work through the moments I can hardly tell my story, but tell it you must. You can get through this.
Just when you think things are getting better, they might take a turn for the worse. I really understand how frustrating this can be. When I wrote this post called Back at It Again, I began another new round of research into yet another disease that I was later diagnosed with. That was the year I was in a possible flare, but I didn’t know anything at all about that or what caused it. There were days I wanted to just sleep all day long…as referenced in “The Thief of my Youth“. There was only one day I thought about giving up. That became the turning point in my story.
Life isn’t going to be fair. I learned that one when my friend beat cancer only to have it come back again. So if life wasn’t fair then, what were the “rules” for play? I began to change my thoughts and see things differently because no one could control my thoughts. No one could control how I was going to react, not even the “Painful” thoughts. No one could take that from me. So going on that theme, I began to wake up and say thank you for each day even when I was at my greatest level of pain, as in the doctors didn’t know how I was able to make it by refusing pain medicine, (I say on the video why), and then I decided to make my own rules. Their set of rules didn’t apply to me any longer. I wasn’t going to fit my entire life into their “typical” checklists.
Never stop trying. Don’t give up my friends. The road is hard and the journey might be like going through the land of Mordor, but you never know what is just around the corner. There are going to be pitfalls, booby traps, and trying times. People who try to stop you, deny what you are going through or who even try to mock the work you are doing by thinking that your disease or your feelings are not as insert good, great, valuable, etc as their own. They are not where your focus is. They are distractions and the work to be done is inside of you. I have been there and I know you can get through this.
Want to know more about my research?
- What’s Wrong With my Thyroid
- The Steps I took to Change my Life
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