3 Tips For Opening Your Heart Chakra.
Chakras. What the heck does that word mean anyway and is it fake? Well, a chakra is actually an energy center and more and more we are learning that there is proof to this whole “theory”. So opening up your heart chakra is actually a good thing and honestly can’t hurt you.
An unhealthy or blocked heart chakra sometimes lends itself to behaviors such as being defensive, critical, controlling, suspicious, withdrawn, possessive and afraid to let go and release what is not good for you. Sometimes elf-esteem issues or relationship problems lead to a weaker heart chakra connection. What can we do to open it or strengthen it then?
3 Tips for Opening Your Heart Chakra:
- Visualize your heart opening up with a strong, clear green light filling your center. Repeat “I am love.” and allow yourself to be at peace with this feeling. Practice giving and accepting love unconditionally today.
- Stop clinging to the past hurt and allow yourself to forgive and step into the present moment. Whatever happened, accept it and move on. Say to yourself “I release this blockage of hurt.” and visualize it releasing from your body. Breathe deeply and repeat your mantra of “I am love.”
- Practice a yoga pose to open your heart. Try camel pose. A blocked heart chakra often means a blocked throat chakra, too, and camel pose balances them both. Focus on elongating your lower back while focusing on the stretch and opening your upper back. If you click on the above link, you can watch Esther demonstrate and she doubles the mat for bad knees or use a towel.
Additionally for the heart chakra, wear green and visualize love and compassion surrounding you. The green ties us to all living things around us so you can also sit outside and meditate on a nice day and take in the air to clear your body. Remember, the heart chakra is only opened by your choice. Choose to show yourself some love and forgiveness today.